Without question, Barnsley rockers G.U. Medicine ought to have become one of the UK's most successful rock bands. Their brand of dangerous metallized sleaze rock has won them a cult following who undoubtedly go rabid for their songs whenever they perform live. They released three cracking albums including the phenomenal 'Lords of Oblivion', unquestionably one of the greatest releases of 2010 and certainly one of the most overlooked too. Unfortunately, success has eluded them, not least because of our country's horrible music taste and limited label backing at best. Perhaps their best recent publicity came when, following the departure of their long time vocalist/guitarist Lee Storrar, they recorded a song with Rocky 'The Rockhopper' - that penguin, on vocals.
It's with a tinge of sadness I hereby report on the upcoming G.U. Medicine show taking place at The Parish, Huddersfield, this Friday evening (23rd March). The gig is billed as 'the last G.U. Medicine show as we know it!' – at least, according to the poster. The reality is that G.U. Medicine appear to be calling it quits good and proper. Support is from Girlfixer and Black Hart Idols.
If anything is guaranteed about this final G.U. show, it's that its bound to be everything you can expect from a G.U. show – booze, sweat, headbanging and a damn good time. One last time. Get yourself down there and do far too many again.
Peter Clegg
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